Troy's Blog

My photo
I'm just a typical Dad. I have a good wife of 20+ years and 2 good kids. All 3, at times, contribute to my hair graying or falling out.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Base for the train track

Here is the completed frame for the base of my train tracks. Hmmmm.... that takes up a lot of room. We got it assembled, with the help of the entire family, and only one scuff mark on the wall. And that is pretty good considering the boards, from left to right, just fit into the room. Everything came in through the family room window. At the bottom of the 6 legs are large wheels. Just in case I need to move it.

This is how the press board is going to sit on the frame. Ignore the hole in the left corner. That is from another set up. The tape measure is strategically placed where the inside corner of the 2nd level would be. That is still in the early early planning stages. Notice the black bridge along the ledge. Unbelievably, I made that. Honestly, when I got done, I couldn't believe I had built it. My carpentry skils are typically not accurate enough to build something that has to fit together, not to mention something that small of a scale. Sean & Kaitlyn have been out of town for a few days in Bismarck with Shirley's sisters. When they come back, I know they will be impressed!!!


KJ said...

Ummmm...your basement looks a bit full. Isn't it supposed to work that as your kids get older, the toys get smaller (& less)? I guess once you reach a certain age the toys start to get bigger again...train tables, walkers, mobility scooters, toilet seat lifts...
On a positive note, your new picture is very flattering. Surprisingly realistic too!

Anonymous said...

I agree about your picture. Evidently you forgot to swim this week. Looks like a lot of work to me. Can't wait to see all of it set up.

KJ said...

The counter looks great. Just look at all that traffic you are getting. Impressive!

Anonymous said...

so basically you get half the family room and the wife and kids get the other half?
hmm. doesn't seem right to me!